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The procedure for accepting applications and documents for

in the competitive selection process for higher education at the University


1.Applicants for higher education shall submit applications:

- only in the electronic form, except for cases defined in this clause;

- only in paper form:

- to exercise the right of admission for an individual oral interview (in case the entrant does not have at least one of the 2019-2021 ZNO certificates or scores in the national multi-subject test) in accordance with the admission rules, except for persons whose place of residence is registered (declared) in a particularly dangerous area;

- if there is a discrepancy in the data of the entrant in the UGEBO (surname, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth, gender, nationality, etc.) and in the corresponding document on the previously obtained education and in the database of participants of the national multiple subject test formed on the basis of the database of participants of the external independent evaluation, the certificate of external independent evaluation

- in the case of submission of a foreign educational document;

- in case of submitting the documents by foreigners and stateless persons

- in the case of submission of a document on previously obtained education, issued for the introduction of photopolymer technologies

- in the case of filing an application after the expiry of the period of validity of the e-curriculum vitae;

- to exercise the right to accrue additional points provided for in paragraph eleven subparagraph 1 of paragraph 9 of section VII of the rules of admission

- in case of inability to register electronic office or submit an application in electronic form for other reasons, as evidenced by a certificate of the Commission for Higher Education admission.Applicants referred to in paragraph four of this paragraph, may apply in electronic form, followed by the submission of documents confirming the right to admission by individual oral interview, which must be submitted in accordance with the admission rules.

In order to exercise the right of admission based on the results of an individual oral interview for competitive subjects at the University, the applicant shall personally submit the original document(s) proving the applicant's eligibility for special conditions for participation in the competitive selection process to the Admissions Committee of one of the selected higher education institutions before submitting the application in electronic form.

Applicants may apply up to five applications for state and regional places in fixed and open calls and up to twenty applications for extrabudgetary calls.


2. An electronic application shall be submitted by the applicant by completing the electronic form online and shall be considered by the Admission Board of the University in accordance with the legislation.

The University has established a counselling centre at the Admission Commission to assist applicants in submitting applications electronically. Applicants may contact the University's Advice Centre to set up an e-account, to submit their applications in electronic form.


3. The applicant shall submit a paper application in person to the Admission Board of the University. A person authorised by the Admission Board shall register each paper application in the UGEBO on the day of accepting the application. The authorized person of the admission committee enters the letter of motivation submitted with such application to the USEBO.


4. In the application, the applicants shall indicate the competitive offer with indication of the speciality (subject speciality, specialisation, educational programme(s)) and form of education.

At application for non-budgetary competitive offer entrants apply for participation in competition exclusively for places at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities and are warned about impossibility of transfer within the framework of entrance campaign to places of the state or regional order, in applications note: "I apply for participation in the competition exclusively for places at the expense of individuals and / or legal entities, notified about the impossibility of transfer within the framework of the admission campaign for places of state or regional order".

Applicants whose place of residence is registered (declared) in a particularly dangerous area may state this in their application.


5.When applying in paper form, the applicant personally submits the original:

- document (one of the documents) proving the identity, stipulated by the Law of Ukraine "On the Unified State Demographic Register and documents proving the citizenship of Ukraine, proving the identity or its special status";

- Military registration document (for persons liable for military service - military service card or temporary military registration certificate, for draftees - certificate of assignment to recruiting stations)

- Document (state sample) on the previously obtained educational (educational-qualification) level on the basis of which the entrance is made, if the information on it is not stored in the Unified State Electronic Database of Education

- documents confirming the entrant's right to special conditions of participation in the competition for higher education provided by Section VIII of the Rules of admission.

Applicants who live in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine or moved from it after January 1, 2022, as well as applicants who live in areas where public authorities temporarily do not exercise their powers, provide documents with the peculiarities provided by order № 271.

If due to objective reasons the document on the received educational (educational qualification) level is not available, a certificate of the state enterprise "Inforesource" about its receipt may be submitted, in particular without submitting an application to the document on the received educational (educational qualification) level.


6.The applicant shall add to the application submitted in paper form:

- a copy of the document (one of the documents) proving the identity, provided by the Law of Ukraine "On the Unified State Demographic Register and the documents confirming the citizenship of Ukraine, proving its identity or special status";

- Military registration document (for persons liable for military service - military service card or temporary military registration certificate; for draftees - certificate of assignment to recruiting stations);

- copy of the document (state sample) on the previously obtained educational (educational-qualification) level, on the basis of which the admission is made, if information on it is not stored in the Unified State Educational Electronic Database

- four 3×4 cm colour photos.

For the individual oral interview on the basis of full general secondary education, in addition to the application for participation (in electronic or paper form in the form established by the University Admission Commission), applicants submit a copy of an identity document; 3×4 cm photo (1 MB for photos in electronic form); certificate of educational institution on the completion of full general secondary education in the absence of information on the received document on full general secondary education in the UEI, a copy of the document, the document on the completion of which is stored in the Unified State Electronic Database of Education Submission by applicants of other documents for participation in the individual oral interview, creative competition is not mandatory.For applicants who must pass the individual oral interview, the University may conduct an electronic registration for participation in them when entering scanned copies (photocopies) of documents.

Applicants for individual oral interviews, professional examinations shall be allowed to take part in them in possession of the original identification document


7. Copies of the documents certifying the grounds for eligibility for the special conditions of participation in the higher education competition provided for in Section VIII of the Admission Rules shall be submitted by the applicant in person at the time of submission of the documents in paper form on or according to the dates specified in these Rules of Admission. Not timely submitted documents certifying the grounds for special conditions of participation in the competitive selection for higher education provided by Section VIII of the Rules of admission exclude their implementation.

Submission of such documents may be in electronic form by sending their scanned copies, with the application on the relevant files of a qualified electronic signature of the applicant, at the e-mail address of the Admission Commission of the institution specified in the Registry of subjects of educational activities EHEBO (or other means of communication as defined by the Rules of admission).

8. Copies of documents certifying the grounds for receipt of special conditions of the person enrolled for training at the expense of individuals and / or legal entities entrant submits personally at the same time fulfill the requirements for admission place at the expense of individuals and / or legal entities.

9. Copies of documents other than identity document and military registration document certifies the originals by the admission committee of higher education, to which they are submitted. Copies of documents without originals are not accepted.

10. The admissions committee verifies the grounds for obtaining special conditions for participation in the competition for higher education, provided section VIII of the rules of admission.

11. Admissions Committee considers the application and documents of applicants and make a decision about admission to participate in the competitive selection for admission to higher education institutions within three working days from the date of registration of the application in USEPA, but no later than the next day after completion of admission documents, in case of entrance tests - no later than the next day after completion of entrance examinations.

12. The fact of familiarization of the applicant with the rules of admission, the existing license and certificate of accreditation of the relevant educational program (specialty), as well as the presence/absence of grounds for participation in the competition by results of the individual oral interview, enrollment by individual oral interview is recorded in the application of the applicant and confirmed by his personal signature when submitting the application.

When submitting documents for non-accredited educational programs (specialties), the fact of entering the sixth part of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" shall be recorded in a written statement of awareness of lack of accreditation and confirmed by his personal signature on the application in paper form.

The applicant has the right to cancel a previously submitted application in the electronic cabinet before the deadline date for the submission of electronic applications for higher education institutions without the right to submit a new application with the same priority.The paper application, registered in the UGEBO, may be canceled by the University on the basis of a decision of the Admissions Committee before the deadline for admission of applications for education in paper form, provided that a technical error in entering the appropriate The cancelled application shall be considered as not submitted and the fact of such submission shall be annulled in the USEPA. The University shall notify the applicant by mobile or electronic means of the cancellation of the application on the date of cancellation, after which the applicant may submit a new application with the same priority.

An electronic application registered in the UGEBO may be cancelled by the Technical Administrator of the UGEBO based on an official decision of the Administrator of the UGEBO no later than one day before the end of the submission of electronic applications, provided that a technical error in entering the relevant data into the UGEBO is discovered. The cancelled application shall be deemed not submitted and the fact of such submission shall be annulled in the UGEBO.

The Technical Administrator shall notify the applicant via mobile or electronic communication of the cancelled application on the day of the cancellation, after which the applicant may submit a new application with the same priority.