STEP IT {global_step_name} | We have been teaching since 1999. High-quality IT-education for adults and children. We prepare programmers, designers and system engineers who cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence. In order to achieve this, we teach how to understand tasks, run projects and work in a team, in addition to core knowledge.

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IT-Hackathon 2.0

The first IT-}{ackathon, information on the link is here
The second IT-}{ackathon 2.0, information on the link is here

The tradition of holding a specialized IT }{ackathon, organized by the management of the university and specialized departments, is being continued on the basis of KTU "SHAG", founded by Kavun Serhiy, currently the rector of KTU "SHAG" and the main organizer.


This event is a specialized competition in the IT field and covers the main areas of study in the 12 majors of the "Information Technologies" field of knowledge, especially in the majors 122, 125, 126 "Information Systems and Technologies" (which is open for study at the KhTU "SHAG") .


Competitions are held among students of Kharkiv universities during a 16-hour (from this year) struggle to solve problems of the chosen topic. Also, the goal of the IT-}{ackathon is to popularize the IT field and education in relevant specialties, especially in those universities where only the necessary disciplines are studied, where attention is paid to the requirements of the modern IT market and necessary professions.
4 universities took part in the first competition, but in the second there were already 17 teams from 9 universities of Kharkiv. This confirms the relevance and respect for this competition in the IT community and on the part of students of the city.


During the entire time of the competition, there is a live online broadcast on the Internet, which is generally the first practice in our and other universities in Kharkiv. The main features of the IT-}{ackathon are: firstly, its prize fund, formed by sponsors and management of KhTU "SHAG"; secondly, the volume of the prize fund allows absolutely all participants of the competition to receive prizes; thirdly, unlike the generally accepted forms of conducting }{ackathons, ours is distinguished by its broad profile, due to which almost the entire cycle of training in the specialties of 12 fields of knowledge "Information technologies" is covered.




Separate links
Team registration form 
Download slides in one file - here